3 Simple Steps to Becoming Your Best - an Overview (part 1 of 5)

Let’s juxtapose two familiar moments.

If you’re like most people, you have moments of your life that feel wonky. Unproductive. Negative. Out of control. Not yourself. Off. We know in our heart of hearts that we are better than those moments.

Likewise, you probably experience moments of uncontrollable shiny brilliance. You are an all-powerful Being. Loving. Loved. Glowing. Flowing. Magical. Everything you touch turns to gold. We wish we could stay in THOSE moments forever.

Sometimes these moments seem to happen to us. While I have nothing against receiving blessings, I believe we can step beyond letting the Universe give us gifts. I believe we can create them on purpose, bringing our best selves to our lives - work and play, friends and family.

I propose a path to Becoming Your Best - one of many - and I invite you to practice with me. (I will cover each section in greater depth in the rest of this series on my WonderPlay Coaching blog - visit me there for more!)

Step Zero: Overall Mindset Shift

From “At The Effect” To “Be The Cause”

This really is the foundation, so I'm calling it Step Zero. Without creating this foundation first, there is no supported place to continue. Mindset shifts are fleeting; make sure you create or secure sufficient support to maintain your new mindset. Journal, create community, read inspiring words, speak affirmations aloud, meditate, hire a coach. Identify your "What For" in Becoming Your Best - Family? Career? Relationships?

It can be thrilling to allow the ocean of your circumstances to toss you about. It is a significantly different experience to be the captain of your ship, and to move in the direction of your choosing. If you wish to exercise more power and purpose in your life, Be The Cause of your movement. Connect with the source of who you are as Divine Creator. Identify and release the disempowering stories of who you used to be, and proceed boldly on your declared course. This

1+ minute exercise:

(a) Identify a circumstance of your past when you were “At The Effect” of your world. (ie getting into an argument)

(b) What were the unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and feelings you demonstrated? (ie “If only ____ had said _____, then ______! It’s all their fault!”) 

(c) Ask yourself how it could go differently if you were to “Be The Cause” of your life in that same situation if (when) it comes up again. (ie “When I take ownership of my responsibility for communicating, I articulate my wants and needs clearly.”)

Step One: Notice

Becoming Your Best, Becoming My Best, Best, Simple Steps, Become My Best, Become Your Best, Mindset Shift, Being, Being Your Best, Being My Best, raise your vibration, raise my vibration, raising your vibration, raising my vibration, higher consciousness, WonderPlay Coaching, Life Coach, Life Coaching, Creative Coaching

In order to Be The Cause of your Being, first notice - without judgment - who you have been. People call this mindfulness, metacognition, presence, self-awareness, Super-Ego -- whatever you call it, it begins with you extricating your big Self from your mindstuff. You know when people mindlessly ask “how are you?” and you mindlessly answer however you answer while you’re thinking about something else? Take the time to really ask yourself. Give yourself the gift of your own attention, even for a moment.

1+ minute exercise: answer these three questions as an outside observer watching the movie of your life, without feeling the need to judge or change.

(a) How am I, really, right now? 

(b) What thoughts, feelings, and body sensations are in my space? 

(c) What’s going on in my environment?

Step Two: Choose

Becoming Your Best, Becoming My Best, Best, Simple Steps, Become My Best, Become Your Best, Mindset Shift, Being, Being Your Best, Being My Best, raise your vibration, raise my vibration, raising your vibration, raising my vibration, higher consciousness, WonderPlay Coaching, Life Coach, Life Coaching, Creative Coaching

You get to Be The Cause of how your life goes. Your thoughts, feelings, and determinations are up to you - your responsibility, no one else’s. If you have that much agency over your life, could you choose to Become Your Best, more and more aligned with the greatest version of your Higher Self? The answer is yes - and at any moment.

1+ minute exercise: play the director in the movie of your life and answer these three questions.

(a) What is the hero’s highest purpose in this [scene, movie, series, life]? (ie Connection)

(b) What is the best next [action, interaction, feeling, scene, line] that would express our hero’s purpose? (ie clear the air with my argument partner and listen for what they need)

(c) When or how will the hero take that action, and what will the results be? (ie invite a conversation tonight, and we’ll be back in connected relationship afterward)

Step Three: Repeat

Becoming Your Best, Becoming My Best, Best, Simple Steps, Become My Best, Become Your Best, Mindset Shift, Being, Being Your Best, Being My Best, raise your vibration, raise my vibration, raising your vibration, raising my vibration, higher consciousness, WonderPlay Coaching, Life Coach, Life Coaching, Creative Coaching

Becoming Your Best takes as much practice as anything else. I recently shared with my musical theater students some advice I received when I was their age: “If you care about precision, don’t practice until you can get it right; practice until you can’t get it wrong.” It’s not bad or wrong for you to not get it the first time. It’s refreshingly normal. We are habitual creatures, and we need the reps.

1+ minute exercise: give yourself some reps!

(a) Choose a way of Being to maintain for at least 1 minute of activity. (ie Love) 

(b) Notice the effects of your Being on your activity. (ie appreciating brushing your teeth as an act of Self-Love)

(c) When you fall into unconsciousness (ie brushing your teeth mindlessly), re-Mind yourself of your Chosen way of Being, and come back to it on purpose.

Becoming Your Best, Becoming My Best, Best, Simple Steps, Become My Best, Become Your Best, Mindset Shift, Being, Being Your Best, Being My Best, raise your vibration, raise my vibration, raising your vibration, raising my vibration, higher consciousness, WonderPlay Coaching, Life Coach, Life Coaching, Creative Coaching

Thanks for taking a journey to Becoming Your Best. I believe that the better we each express our brilliance individually, the better we become together. Join me for more depth by following my WonderPlay Coaching blog, or join my newest collective, The Creative Level-Up, for weekly coaching and live masterminding, or schedule a Discovery Call to find out more about joining a coaching group for even more direct support on Becoming Your Best!


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